about US

Government Physical
Training College, Rampur

On 10 July 1955 the college started running under Education Department of Uttar Pradesh. As per the requirement of teachers  training was given to the student teachers. In the 1970s, 50 C.P.Ed. and 50 D.P.Ed seats were allocated. For better knowledge of CPED passed teachers, refresher training for D.P.Ed. (upgrading course) is arranged. Now only D.P.Ed. is being trained. In June 2005, this college has completed its glorious 50 years.

श्रीमती आनंदीबेन पटेल
माननीय राज्यपाल
उत्तर प्रदेश

श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ जी
माननीय मुख्यमंत्री
उत्तर प्रदेश
श्री संदीप सिंह
माननीय राज्यमंत्री
बेसिक शिक्षा उत्तर प्रदेश

श्रीमती कंचन वर्मा
महानिदेशक बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग
उत्तर प्रदेश

डॉo सरिता तिवारी
निदेशक SCERT
उत्तर प्रदेश

श्री जोगिंदर सिंह (IAS)
जिलाधिकारी रामपुर
उत्तर प्रदेश

प्रधानाध्यापक की कलम से

Government Physical Training College for Men, Rampur is Physical Training College of Uttar Pradesh Estd. in 1955 has always tried to excel in the field of Physical Teacher Training Education. 

GPTC Rampur offering D.P. Ed (Diploma in Physical Education). Various training programs is being organized for Physical Education teachers. Research and Innovation is the chief motto of this Institute in the field of Physical Teacher education. Experienced and professional Teacher Educators are the backbone of our college, Educating the future Physical Education Teachers to make a fit India.

I am honored and feel very privileged to be the principal of this iconic institution of Uttar Pradesh, where every stakeholder is a learner and every day is an opportunity to learn and discover. I believe in upholding standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process using team strategies. This institution is committed to providing academic and resource support to schools, teachers, and the community in Physical Education. GPTC Rampur organize many events of Games & Competiton to contribute in Fit and healthy India Initiative. It also helps our student to get real life experience and make them future ready.

At present, the Govt. of India focused on healthy and Fit India Initiative. World Yoga Day is also inspired from Indian Yoga Culture.

So, all conscious Indian citizens should try to understand the initiative and effort of Health and Physical Education, and come forward to co-operate with the Govt. of India.

I wish the best fortune, peace, and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading physical education and manifest qualities, aims, and objectives.

श्री जमील अहमद
राजकीय शारीरिक प्रशिक्षण महाविद्यालय, रामपुर

College at a Glance

The college has 400 meter track, swimming pool, hostel, staff quarter, gymnasium, pavilion and main administrative building. Kosi river is in the west. Apart from this, hockey ground and sufficient land is available. Indoor badminton is played in the gymnasium.

Our Core Values

Hum Fit Toh INDIA Fit

Our Mission

A model Educational Institute to provide leadership in Physical Education Teachers’ Training.

Our Vision

To transform itself into a Resource Centre of Physical Education in Uttar Pradesh and to provide support to schools through Events, Physical Education and more.

A Glimpse

Our Gallery